Thursday, 20 March 2014

Ill Manors Social Media

The YouTube channel is used to promote the website and the brand of Ill manors. Firstly, the video is used to promote plan B appearances within the media, with the radio one interview being an example of this. In addition, The YouTube channel is also used to help with the marketing campaign of the film and it features the trailer of the film and some marketing tools within the campaign. However,  the film was promoted more by the studio that has produced it, Revolver entertainment. The production company offers more detail and features more things, meet the characters could be an example of this. In addition, I also believe that the Plan B YouTube channel promotes plan B himself.

The Plan B Facebook page has 8.3 likes,however this was properly a higher figure when the film was released . This webpage is used to promote Ill manors before the release . It also promotes the production companies and offers audience some competitions, which would increase the element of interactivity with the audience.  The Facebook site has links to the film and the trailer. This again is to promote the film before the relase. It also has some links to stories and reviews of the webpage


I think that the Ill manors twitter page was used to offer people a chance to say their opinion. This was the platform that was used the most; I think this was due to the interactivity of twitter in comparison to other social networks. Furthermore, twitter was also used to aid the tag London campaign. Furthermore, the also was a series of hash-tags that were used by people and the account to promote the film. This is another advantage of twitter. I believe that twitter account talked about the social issue behind the film, it did have the conventional means of advertising products. Twitter was used offer a more interactive platform to people and allow people to speak to each-other.


Plan B used his own Instagram site to help him add an element of realism for his audience. Instagram is a platform that asks users to post images of things. When Plan B was directing the film, he used his Instagram to show his face when editing and some behind the scenes footage. For example, he posted an image of him in a sleepless night. This platform was used to see what plan B was like when editing and showed what editing is like to the audience. Furthermore, I think that Instagram was a new software when this film was begin created. I think this is why it wasn't used as much as Twitter and Facebook

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Ill Manors- Tag London

1.Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words?
The Ill manors tag London campaign is allowing the target audience of Ill manors to express themselves in a platform that suites them. As ill manors is targeted to a demographic of people who would live in the estates, a common stereotype of these people is that they like graffiti a lot. This proves true as this campaign reinforces a that stereotype. However, it has done it in a manner that is legal and allows people to express themselves. This kind of campaign is unique to this type of film and I belvie that plan B did this to appeal to people who live in estates. He has reinforced a streotype, however he also has allowed people to express their emotions in their own way. 

2. How does the Ill Manors Tag London Campaign help promote the film?
I belive this has helped Plan B to promote this film, as he is only targeting the people that he wishes to target. Furthemore, i also belive that Grafti Art would stay their for a long time, therefore more people would be able to view it . However, I belive that the Tag London campaign helps to raise awarenss of the broader isusue that this film is about, discontent youth.

3. What links are there between the Tag London campaign and other texts that I've Studied? 
I think that this could relate to the the narrative that Plan B has had throughout all of his media appearances. I think that Plan B has allowed the people that he feels he represented to express what they feel in their own manner.  

4. Why Might user-genrated campaigns like this be more sucessfull than traditional media campaigns?
I Think that for a topic as contraverisol as this and a topic like this would'nt get much media attention. This would result in Plan B being forced to use alternative methods of promoting his lifestyle. This alternative way could be done by user- created content.

5.Choose five of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics and psycographics) and link this tweet to other texts that I have studied?

I think that this tweets is target to people who are within Plan B target audience. This has to appeal to Reformers, as they're the only group who would want change in the world. I think the purpose of this tweet is to gain the attention of the discontent youth. I believe that all of these tweets summarises what Plan B stands for. It shows what he means and summarises the appeal of Ill Manors for the Target audience. In addition, I also believe that these tweets are done on a social network. If any of these tags became popular, it would gain even more promotion. Social media is a free platform and it would allow people to have controversial opinions. The Tag London campaign used this to it's advantage as it did allow people to form opinions freely. The Tag London campaign used social media to attract people to share their opinions on the broader issue that ill manors targets. Below are some of the interesting tweets






Tuesday, 11 March 2014

LR-Essay Question

LR- Discuss the similarities and differences in more detail, do a paragraph?

There are many similarities and differences between the usages of social media.  Firstly, I believe that there is a consistency within all of the webpages that are associated with ill manors. This can be shown within the Twitter and Facebook page. Both of them use similar images and ought similar values and messages through. It is important for any brand to have these consistencies.  In addition, I also believe that these two webpages are appeal to a wider range of people. For instance, I believe that the new platform of choice for people that Plan B wishes to target would be on Twitter. I believe that twitter is the reformers –social network of choice, this would be shown on some of the tweets that this website has.       

In addition, I also believe that social networking in general is used to promote the Plan B and his ideologies. All of the social-networks that are used are connected through these ideologies. All of the social-network generates some of the most thought-provoking scenes, the John Cooper Clarke. However, I think this is done more in twitter, as I have stated that I believe that this is the reformer social-network. Furthermore, I also believe that the Facebook page was used more to promote Revolver entertainment and Plan B. I acknowledge that the necessary stuff is there like the trailer. However, I believe that Facebook doesn't appeal to a wider range of people or the full target audience of Ill manors.                

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Ill Manors- Social media

In all of the social networks that Plan B used to promote his film .All of them are consistent and all relate.Some of the things that the networks say, some images that they've used are all consistent. Interestingly, all stages of the production was also shown to the audience, through plan B personal twitter account. 

In addition, the Facebook page and the twitter page also promote some of the production companies, revolver entertainment.In addition, the Facebook page also promotes other films  that revolver created. I think that this is an example of synergy, as revolver are promoting themselves through one of there interests which would be Ill Manors.. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Mock Exam

1.What codes and conventions does the trailer use to establish the text's genre? 

 Media Audiences: Who does this text/brand appeal to?

 Media Representations:   How is gender/ethnicity/age/disability/sexuality/a place represented in the extract?

Media Institution
In which ways is the trailer typical of the video games industry?

Ill manors Promotional

This is the film cover for the ill manors. This has many conventions what’re common in this genre, like an image, gun, and cloudy skies. The images are key in showing the audience what genre this film is on.  For example, the gun alone would indicate to the audience that this film is about violence. The high-rise buildings in the background could indicate to the audience that the film is about crime. The photography alone shows the audience what this film is about.       
This video also does some of the more conventional means of advertising itself. This film uses ratings to promote this film. This is the most obvious way of advertising the product. In addition, many of these people that reviewed the film are opinion formers. If an opinion former says the film is good, this would encourage many people to watch this film.
Moreover, the directors’ name is smaller and seems smaller than the film. The rappers name is smaller than his real name. When the directors’ name is selling the film his name would be in bold. When the story is selling the film, usually the directors’ name isn't in bold.  As the directors name isn't in bold. I think that this could suggest the director is selling the film. This could be a down to that this was the first film that plan b directed; therefore this wouldn't be a consequence of this being the first film that he has directed.

This is an NME magazine which has Plan B being at the centre of the image. This image looks aggressive and it has an offensive sign on it. This is interesting as it was released on the promotional campaign for this film. In addition, as plan b is currently directed a film and became a household name in the UK, it would seem bizarre for him to do a release like this or even ill- advised considering his aspirations and the status he wants to achieve. The image is the most powerful thing about this magazine cover. The symbol included in this image. Plan B almost looks like the stereotypical person who has been let down by society.  Perhaps an image for David Cameron had broken Britain. This image was created by a person who is educated and a film director.  There is also a serious heading in this image as well” David Cameron is very afraid”. I think that this leaves the reader with an enigma as I think people could be wondering what to be afraid of. Whether that is a drug abused aggressive male. Perhaps David Cameron should be afraid of the quantity of males  and females  that have no hope.


This is another promotional advert for this film. It has the key slogan along the top and a colour clash, with the black and yellow. The main image of the person would appear to be vomiting over the Ill logo. This vomit seems to be vomiting out over t I logo. The background image is also interesting as it clashes with black dramatically. In addition, this also seems to have very little in common with the image above, as perhaps this would appeal to a different type of person. I think this picture would appeal t to somebody who’ doesn't really watch films that are in the genre of ill manors.   Unlike the first image I think that this film would appeal to somebody who doesn't know much. I think that the image is supposed to be hard-hitting and powerful.  The first one isn't as hard hitting and it would appeal to a younger audience due to the content on it, the housing estate.  In terms of demographics I think this film would appeal more to the C1, D demographic. I think this because the colours are lighter, the trailer doesn't show anything that is hard-hitting or off putting. The colour clash would generate attention for people.   Having an estate as the first imagine could be off- putting for people, who might think that this is another hard-hitting emotional film about the UK underworld.