Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Parallel and Contrapuntal Sound Feedback

  •  Parallel shots fit in well
  • The Majority of the images I chose fit in well with the music.With the TV and Phone being more questionable?
  • The Contrapuntal Images work well , they create the shock that is required.
  • Death and Funerals are not in anyway associated with Pop Music  


  •  Are the TV and Phone the Best Images
  • Should've spend more time on the layout of the images.Some of them were above each-other.
  • Possibly use a different software if you do this in the future/ Improve the Layout of your images 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Fantasy stories

Vladimir Propp-The seven spheres of action:
The Villain: The Vengeful boyfriend who thinks he should marry the princess and be with her forever    
The Donor: The father informs his son that the villain is about to attack
The Helper: The princess brother punches the villain.
The Princess – She’s getting all of the attention because she is going to have a wedding, she flirts with the villain.
The Dispatcher- The father finds out about the princess behaviour and tells her future husband.
The Hero-The husband delivers a speech on how he would always be there for his wife, they get married and live happily ever after.
Roland Barthes
Enigma Code: Will the princess chose the villain instead of her husband to be? .This is an enigma code because the audience wouldn’t find out the answer until the end.
Action Codes: there aren’t any action codes in this as they’re no fights or arguments.
Multi- Strand Narrative- There is only one narrative that is over the whole episode or film.
Linear Pattern- This story does follow chronological order as there is a beginning, middle and end.
Everything is fine as everybody is getting ready for the princess wedding and everybody is happy. The family are all on a table
The brother finds out about the villains plot and decides to intervene. This made everybody worried about the brother.
New Equilibrium- The son punches the villain, the villain back off and looks for a new women in his life. The princess gets married and continues her life.